Retrax® System
Retrax® Gel
Non-blackening, non staining hemostatic gels for retraction, fluid control & tissue rigidity.
Retrax® Gel ProPack 12 Hemostatic Gels
TLC-gel. Thick, Lubricating, Controllable Excellent for retraction, hemostatic control and tissue rigidity. Unique thick, true-gel concentrates the active ingredient to control bleeding faster and longer. Makes initial cord packing easier by providing lubrication when packing retraction cord. Comes in 25% Aluminum Sulfate, 25% Aluminum Sulfate Clear and 15.5% Ferric Sulfate gels. Also available in 30g Jars.
Retrax®Gel. TLC!
Thick, Lubricating, Controllable Gel. Control bleeding faster and longer.
Control bleeding faster & longer.
Now you see it.
Retrax® Gel AS - 25% Aluminum Sulfate Gel. Easily visualized, Thick, Lubricating, Controllable Electric Green true-gel. Quickly controls bleeding without staining or blackening tissue. Provides tissue rigidity to help avoid “Tissue Collapse”. Stays where you place it. Exceptional hemostasis without compromising the health of gingival tissue. Will not interfere with bonding and the set of impression material. Summer Raspberry flavor.
Now you don’t.
Retrax® Gel CLEAR - 25% Aluminum Sulfate. Recommended for anterior restorations. Thick, Lubricating, Controllable CLEAR true-gel. Provides tissue rigidity to help avoid “Tissue Collapse”. Stays where you place it. Quickly controls bleeding without creating messy, black coagulum or leaving hemostatic residue adhered to the preparation. Stain-free teeth and soft tissues critical for the “esthetic zone.” Will not interfere with bonding and the set of impression material. Summer Raspberry flavor.
Need for speed?
Retrax® Gel FS - 15.5% Ferric Sulfate Gel. Profound hemostasis in seconds. Retrax® Gels are Thick, Lubricating, Controllable true-gels as opposed to bad tasting, blackening, runny ferric sulfate syrups. Our thick, true-gel means the active ingredient is concentrated on the wound site and will not lose strength due to dilution. Patient-friendly, won't run over the tongue or down the throat uncontrollably.
Electric Green, Thick Gel
Product Ordering.
All products can be purchased from your dealer of choice. We would be happy to assist you with your order. Simply fill out the form below and a member of our staff will be in touch with you.
Retrax® Gel AS, 25% Aluminum Sulfate Gel, Electric Green, 12ea, 0.75g Pre-filled Syringes + 12ea MicroFusor applicator tips
Retrax® Gel AS, 25% Aluminum Sulfate Gel, 25ea, 0.32g pre-filled cartridges. Fits most cartridge delivery systems
Retrax® Gel AS, 25% Aluminum Sulfate Gel, Electric Green, in a money saving 30g jar.
Retrax® Gel FS, 15.5% Ferric Sulfate Gel, 12ea, 0.75g Pre-filled Syringes + 12ea MicroFusor applicator tips
Retrax® Gel FS, 15.5% Ferric Sulfate Gel in a money saving 30g jar.
Retrax® Gel CLEAR, 25% Aluminum Sulfate Gel, CLEAR (no color), 12ea, 0.75g Pre-filled Syringes + 12ea MicroFusor applicator tips